Sunday, 30 December 2007

Saving Wildlife and the Environment

There has been a trial on in the area where I live, to lower the amount of plastic bags being used by the public when shopping. Evidence is there that the message has been heard by the local public.
The damage to the environment by these bags, is wide spread and although some manufactures claim that their bags are bio degradable, the degraded dust still contains toxic waste particles.

I can not help thinking of the song "One Way or Another I'm Going to Get You"

I have found a site which is attempting to encourage us to greater awareness of our own part in saving the environment and would ask that you visit the site to see if you can find a way of adopting their message and their Bags of course. Please visit

While looking at the site I wondered if fund raising projects, say for schools, could would benefit by selling the bags, what would we not do for our children and their future.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Still recycling

Our Local Authority has announced that no body does it better, regarding recycling, than them. They give us a gift each year, we are allowed to over fill the bins after the Christmas week without penalty.
With that and the season in mind, I continue to bring news of sites which may assist you to clear space for all the new goodies you may receive this Christmas.

Recycle clothing

Or add to your winter wardrobe by


So lets see you all happy that you have cleared space, even if it was only to fill it again from another site. Merry Christmas to you all.

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Santa came to town

I received this pattern last week from the Knitters and Crocheters Guild and thought that they would be fun to make, they become addictive though and I could not stop.
Anyone who fancied could lengthen the hangers and wear them as ear rings or add a fastener and wear them as a broach.
I like small projects at this time of the year, they fill in odd moments when I am at home and sitting still.
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Saturday, 1 December 2007

Delftware from Amsterdam

As you will see we have been to Amsterdam and bought five diffrent KLM miniature huisjes.
My total collection is fourteen and it will cost at least another £1,500 to complete it.
I was informed by a resident that brides and grooms in Amsterdam, are given a replica of the palace by Bols. What a nice gift.
There are now 88 huisjes in the collection, the latest is a replica of "'t Lootsje", the former Amsterdam tasting room of the leading genever manufacturer, Lucas Bols.
A complete collection of the huisjescan be viewed at Bols' headquarters in Amsterdam.
For admission details visit
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