Thursday, 26 March 2009

Sky Watch Friday 27

The sun deserted us today and we had threatening weather.
These pictures were taken while I dodged outbreaks of rain.

The first is Hanley Monument, dedicated to a local, influential family many years ago.

The second is a town residence with a retail business on the ground floor.
Can you see the terracotta dragon on the roof apex.

The last you have seen before. It is the Mill in Moneys Yard, and marks the centre of town.

To enlarge the picture just click on it.

To see many more Sky Watch Pictures from around the world, click on the Sky Watch Banner in my side bar, on the right.

The concept for Sky Watch was originated by Dot and a team of like minded people joined the meme which flourished.

There have been many other people who dedicate time and energy to maintaining a seam free running of the programme.
Thank you all for your unstinting work.
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Friday, 20 March 2009

Harmony Day

In Australia on Saturday 21 March, the first day of Spring is observed as Harmony Day.

Slogan for the day is, Everyone Belongs.

It is a day to celebrate harmony among people of all cultures, races and religions.

Bobbie brought this day to my attention and such a worthy day I feel should be brought to the attention of as many people as possible.

Please pass the word about Harmony Day as far and as wide as you can. Thank you.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Sky Watch Friday 26 I wanted to show you that Spring is here at last, the ducklings are out on the river. When they flap
their tiny wings to catch up with the clutch, they appear to be running on the water surface.

4) The Swing bridge opened while we were on holiday.On the top right of the bridge is a counter balance,
for when the bridge is lifted from left to right. I am glad to say the ducks have returned to that part of the
river, after the closure for the bridge installation.

5.6) Flowers are appearing everywhere.

7. 10) Remember the rooks nests I mentioned a while back. To see how high they have built click on the picture.
A good summer is on its way, I am sure.

8.9) Our Church steeple was damaged in the earthquake last year. The top three sections have been removed for
repairs to be made. The weather vane has been taken to the village school for the children to jump over, this is said
to bring good fortune.

11) An apple tree in flower.

It happened too quickly for me to capture today, however, a skein of Canada Geese flew over our home, honking as they
made their way to Lincoln.

As said click on the picture to enlarge.
Happy sky watch to you all.

To see more Sky Watch pictures from around the world, click on the Sky Watch banner in my side bar.

There are a dedicated team of people who enable Sky Watch to run each week. They not only monitor the entries to this meme,
but assist in seamless running and problem solving. This is for many, along side their daily work and family commitments.
Sky Watch gives me great pleasure each week, thanks to you.
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Thursday, 12 March 2009

Sky Watch Friday 25

As you will see we were on holiday last week chasing the sun in Tenerife.

1) Bourganvilea. England's sad winter had left us deprived of colour and this wonderful show was lovely.

2,10) Teide, the volcano on the island. A official permit is needed to travel to the very top, saying you are fit and
without health problems.There is a cable car which ascends to the flattish area just below the cone.
3, 4, 11, 12) The Original Crater Walls, the clouds banked and then fell over the crater walls, it was lovely to watch.

5)An un erupted volcano core, solid magma.There is a lot of Obsidian,a semi precious stone which is used
for making jewelery.

6) Man sleeping with mouth open. Can you see him? Its a talking point on the island.

7) Still Seas at evening time.

8) Gomera, under cloud cover, although visible on clear days.

9) This villa, is reported to have been given to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, who had been
making a film on the island. It was given as a gift by the Tenerife Government.
I understand that it has been returned to the Government and is a heritage place now.

On the smooth rocks below the villa, Ti Che classes are held daily. Half the class wear black outfits
and the other wear red.
It is mesmerising to watch groups of people moving in quiet peaceful unison.

13) The Finger of God. It is a weathered rock which has poetical licence in naming.

14) Red Rock a land mark, the airport runs between it and the foreground.

15) Bear rock, change the spelling and it it is both. Weather erosion again.

Click on the picture to enlarge any image, you will see the bear and sleeping man better this way.

Thanks as always to the dedicated team of staff who monitor and run this meme.

Why not have a look your self and enjoy more wonderful pictures from around the world.
Just click on the Sky Watch Banner in my side bar.

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