Sunday, 24 November 2013

Well what have we found here

Unicorn's are only found by the little folk.
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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Alan Dart Thank You

Alan Dart published the pattern for a Troll as above in 'Simply Knitting' magazine.
I thought that they would bring a smile to family and friends faces and having made these little fellows have included one with each persons gifts.

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Tuesday, 3 September 2013

In memory

Secondary blooming of our roses made me think of my mother.
Yellow roses are a family memory, so I am thinking of you now and always mum, miss you.
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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Equality and guilty by omission

While acknowledging the work given by family and friend in the garden recently , I have omitted to give recognition to our youngest daughter and her husband, who in January came in the snow and ice  chopped down trees and moved heavy garden items, doing many more tasks before the workmen started their scheduled work. Blessed we are with family and friends. Thank you Natalie and Jon for all your hard work.

Gardening and friendship

Last week our daughter and grandson visited and set to work clearing and pruning over grown bushes in our garden.
Followed by two full days this week a close friend has also given up her time to come and help me in the garden, which through having workmen in had become overgrown and with plants pot bound, waiting their release into the ground.
Last night I was gaily watering every thing in and admiring all the lovely changes made.
Thank you Nichole and Aidan and thank you Michelle.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Cobs and Robbers

We had been looking forward to gathering the cob nuts from our two year old Hazel tree this month.
However we were beaten to it  by a local robber, some 10 inches tall and wearing a grey body suit with a distinctive bushy grey tail, who helped himself to the crop.
He visits other gardens which have nut trees in, stealing, scattering and digging holes about the gardens, he gathers quite a large crop.
Next year I will make sure I harvest our crop early.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Is it really that long since I last posted

Hi there I am some what surprised at how time has slipped away since I last posted.
I fill each day with many activities, as I do not know how to be still.
There also have been difficulties in my posting pictures.
 I have kept a photo record of most of the items I have made over the last year.
Some time I will sort some pictures out.
Mean while its a blue moon tonight, I understand that means the second full moon in a month.
Have a look for it and feel good.
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