Today is Poverty Action Day.
The above pictures while showing people working in a poor environment, are in fact the lucky few who manage to secure employment, in a third world country.
Today the world unites in Poverty Action Day.
The Global Fund is the official Blog Action Day charity.
To make a donation to this organisation visit is a social action network where you can: learn about causes, connect to good people and non profits, take action.
Having seen the commercialism associated with Christmas, already causing commotion to many people in my country. I have made family plans to donate funds to charities supporting world poverty.
Please take time to click on the Poverty Action Day banner on my side bar, to access more information and the many ways that you may help this worth cause.
Excellent post, well done. I am off to donate.
Hey dancin' I have an application to donate a well.
Thanks for visiting.
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