Monday, 9 July 2007

Miniature collection

This is the photograph of the remaining miniatures in my collection and the last one on the right, with the beige cap is the second one received this weekend.
Each one is numbered and I have a list of them when I travel overseas in order that I do not duplicate any.
We had a lovely weekend, all of our family enjoy get together and use these occasions as a reason to celebrate with a favourite family meal and lots of laughter.
May this trend continue for a long time. This is not a hint for gifts girls.
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Dancin Fool said...

Hello! They look beautiful and have a lovely reflection. Congratulations on your first site visits from the states and south America!

bowledover said...

Thank you dancin fool and your help with Picassa helped produce the pictures.
I will look at the America visit now.

Mac's niece said...

Lovely collection, lovely photo. Hope you have a nice time in Amsterdam.

bowledover said...

Thank you mac's neice we are not going just yet but will enjoy the break I'm sure.

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