Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Lord L's birthday.

Lord L had a landmark birthday this month.
Everyone spoiled him, rightly so.

For Lord L's birthday, Mac's Niece and our grandson came over for the day. Besides having a wonderful meal ( a requirement in this family for a get together) He received with other gifts two tickets to see Madam Butterfly showing in Leicester next month and this will be followed by another family get together. It was a lovely day.

I think the second ticket is for me. I wait with baited breath.

Dancin' and her guy came over for a stay with the pups, with more wonderful gifts and of course a big hug. A wonderful meal and equally wonderful evening was had by all.

I have to wonder if I also had a second birthday as I was spoilt with gifts.

I do not know if telling family that you love and appreciate them, is enough for them to know just how much you mean it.
Appreciation of time, given by working members of the family.
Time management for those with other family commitments.
Loving us enough to make such lovely surprises also.

May I say here and now THANK YOU and we love and appreciate you all.


Dancin Fool said...

Your are always and ever welcome! And all love and thanks are reciprocated, with bells on! xxx

Dancin Fool said...

And I can't type! That should be 'You are always and ever welcome', mind I can say it again, I really mean it, and then some! xxx (Bigly.)

Louise said...

How very nice to have family to show such love!

Madame Butterfly was the first opera I ever attended. I think I was 19,and I begged to go to an opera, so my mother took me. (My dad couldn't have stomached going with us.) I was smitten, and we went to several after that. I hope your waiting with baited breath is over soon! ;-r

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