Thursday, 30 August 2018

Mercurial time

Where does it go to, time that is.
Having planned my summer work, fate stepped in and took time away for a while.
Getting back on course now and am knitting Whinnie the Pooh for our granddaughter.

I will post a picture when he is completed.
The hot weather we have had this summer, was a lovely surprise.
Light clothing and light meals, whilst sitting out in the lovely late evenings, enjoying the garden.
England is not used to such extended periods of heat and moving towards Autumn, the cooler weather descends again. I can not help but feel it will be a long winter, given the fields are bare already.

My wall hangings were put on hold, but the cooler times make sewing them a good project.
As said we have two fantastic daughters. Having set my new phone up and running, Dancin' has also enabled me to post pictures and posts direct to my Blog.

So no more delays I will get Whinnie finished and start the sewing.

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